If you are looking to combine more than one card onto a single account, here are the steps:
- Tap on the F.E. Perks® tab located on the home screen.
- Scroll down and tap on Manage Your Account.
- Enter your card number and the registration code.
- Add your card and you are good to go!
- Log into your account here.
- Under the F.E. Perks® Account section you will see your current card number.
- Hit the + sign next to this number to add another card.
- Click on the new card and look for the "merge" button to the right under Manage Card.
- Success! You should now see the balance on both cards have been combined.
If you have two separate email addresses/phone numbers and you are trying to combine accounts, please contact us at info@familyexpress.com
NOTE: only one account per phone number and email address.